Frequently Asked Questions - Therapists

I'm a therapist. How can I learn how to practice this way?

For a therapist to be an effective Affirmation Therapist, he or she must be an adequately affirmed and mature person. He or she must also know and understand the concepts presented in the different books and on the tapes by Dr. Anna Terruwe, Dr. Conrad Baars and Suzanne Baars. These concepts include the healthy emotional life, emotional deprivation disorder, affirmation therapy, repressive disorders including fear-based repression, energy-based repression and obsessive-compulsive repression, rational guidance of one’s emotions and mortification therapy of sexual obsessions and compulsions. One must also learn about and live “the affirming life.”

Can I become certified in this therapy?

At this time we do not have a way to certify therapists in Affirmation Therapy. However, curricula for certification is in the planning stages, so we hope to be able to offer this in the near future. We also hope to have regular conferences for therapists. Please contact us for further information and to be added to our certification waitlist.

Which books are most important to read?

All the books are important to read and understand. Each book contributes valuable information to the whole picture. Psychic Wholeness and Healing has important information about the human person’s “normal” psychology and information about repressive disorders and their treatment. Healing the Unaffirmed has an extensive discussion on Emotional Deprivation Disorder and proper therapy for unaffirmed persons. Both of these books are very important for the therapist to read and understand.
If you are unfamiliar with Drs. Terruwe and Baars’ work, Suzanne Baars’ CD set “Made In His Image“ is a good overview. Born Only Once is an excellent starting book for clients or patients to read to begin their path to psychological wholeness.
See the book description page for more complete information on the other books, especially Born Only OnceFeeling and Healing Your Emotions and The Unquiet Heart.
Dr. Conrad Baars also made a number of talks which are helpful for both therapist and client. These include:
Please see our online shop for ordering these digitally or by hard copy CD.